ARexx (54/65)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:25 May 2001 at 18:14:52
Subject:Re: rtfm............................

Brian Scott wrote in a Mail about "[arexx] Re:

> Hello sarkis

> On 24-May-01, you wrote:

> » Is it possible to read a list of names from a file where the names are
> » composed of two or more substrings
> »
> Give few lines of a file with the list of names you considering and
> some search strings also.

> Seems like you will have to do one search at a time in a loop - each
> time running flashfind and sending the results into a new file each one
> titled with all or some componant of the search string you are searching
> for.

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Or drop the external command flashfind and use rexxtricks/lsearch()
and readfile()

Good bye,

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